AITI Hosting Services
Servicios de alojamiento de sitios web, cuentas de correo, servicio administrado, cPanel, registro de dominio y más

CloudFlare Free CDN
Boost your site’s performance and security for free! Our CDN is a group of servers connected worldwide that automatically determines the fastest route to deliver your site to your visitors. Our CDN Benefit

Easy Web-Based File Manager
A web based file manager is a computer program capable of working with any file format. It can be used to fulfill any online management task. Intuitive file manipulation is the common factor of all the file managers offered today on the Internet

Whether you want to develop with MySQL, MariaDB or both, rest assured that your databases come fine tuned for the best performance at AITI

Also known as disk space, this is the amount of storage allocated to your account.

Just click the Softaculous icon in your cPanel control panel to install the most popular software to your account with 1-click.

Software Applications
It couldn’t be easier to use! Install blogs, CMSes, eCommerce solutions and so much more.
Web Hosting Plans & Pricing
- Página Web para tu negocio
- 1 Site
- 1 GB Storage
- 5 GB Bandwidth/mes
- 24/7 Soporte
- cPanel
- Página web para tu negocio
- 1 Site
- 2.5 GB Storage
- 7-5 GB Bandwidth/mes
- 24/7 Soporte
- cPanel + WordPress
- 50 Cuentas de correo
- Página web para tu negocio
- 1 Site
- 10 GB Storage
- 20 GB Bandwidth/mes
- 24/7 Soporte
- cPanel + WordPress
- Cuentas de correo ilimitadas
10% de Descuento al iniciar
Para que cuentes con tu página web, te damos un 10% de descuento al contratar